Book worm, that’s what comes to my mind when I think about my childhood. I lost track of all the times I heard this phrase. Literature was a great and important part for much of my life. I was lucky for having had books to learn, being creative and expressing myself. For that reason, I am really thankful. Now that I am 18 I don’t read like I used to do 10 years ago. I am aware it is a shame, but I’m trying to get that habit back. So, in this essay, I will first talk about how I began with the habit of reading; secondly, I will share the different areas in which literature helped me; and finally, I will tell you why I think a book is the best company anyone can have.
My story with literature and the habit of reading began with my mom. When I was like 2 or 3 years, she started to work in a book distribution company. For that reason, she decided to teach me the love for reading, or at least that’s what she said. I honestly don’t remember what was the first book I read. I also lost track of how many times I read my favorite book and how old was I then. I just remember the first time I read that book, how I felt when I finished it, and that my fast reading record was also with this book, and it took me only 2 days to read it when I was 8. At the age of 12 I had already read the Divine Comedy, a book that is written in an old Spanish and many people don’t understand.
I was lucky for having studied in private schools. It is true, private schools help in many different aspects, but reading also helps a lot. In the first area where reading helped me was in my vocabulary and grammar. When I was 5, I already knew how to read and write well. When I was 8 my vocabulary was advanced for my age, thanks to books. Reading the instructions also helped me. Many people don’t like to read instructions, or are not used to. The last thing, for which I am most thankful, is imagination and creativity. I think now I’m a dreamer, because books made imagine many different scenes and characters. The emotion I appreciate the most, is when I remember that my mind was exploiting my imagination and creativity to the fullest.
In my mom’s office there were posters with short phrases, but there was a specific poster I liked most. I completely agreed with this poster, I still agree. The phrase was: A book is the best company anyone can have. Leaving aside the fact that literature provides knowledge, you can come to feel safe. While you're reading, you’re just with your emotions and thoughts, there is nothing complicated. Plus, the smell of books; is one of the best smells in life.
Almost all my childhood was about literature. Maybe now is not that way. However, it doesn’t matter, because at that moment of my life I was happy. I was happy with my mom’s decision to teach me how to love books. I’m happy to have found my favorite books. I’m thankful for all the knowledge literature gave me. For exploiting my imagination, for becoming a dreamer. I really appreciate the company of books during my childhood. I will always remember the smell of books.