Although at first glance the makeup industry can only seem like a cheap trick, it is not. Let me tell you that this industry is not only that. In the 21st. Century there are so many people who have armed themselves with courage to wear makeup as a form of art, expression or social manifestation, or they have just found a passion in makeup. But for me, the meaning is a little different and deep. So, in this essay, I will first talk about what has been the key to success for some famous brands; secondly, I will explain why makeup is so important as a form of art and expression; and finally, I will tell you what makeup means for me and why it is something I love so much and make me happy.
Have you ever heard about MAC, Huda Beauty, Elf, Morphe, or some other famous brand of makeup? I’m sure that at least 40% of people have heard about one of these brands. But, why are these brands of makeup famous if most of the people that buy these products are aware, that the standards showed in the magazines are models. Well, there are 3 answers and they are easy to reply. As I said models, artists, influencers and anyone famous are chosen to be ambassadors; meaning that their job is to promote the brand and influence people to buy the products. The second reason is marketing. Today marketing is one of the most important things a company or brand can do to be successful. Because if you don’t know the products or services of a certain company, you probably won’t buy them. That’s why all these brands are famous, thanks to the marketing they have. The last reason these brands are famous because as everything is constantly changing, makeup is no exception. Every day people are researching new formulas, colors and products. At the same time executives are investing in improving their classy products.
I think everyone agrees that art is too important in human history. But for some reason, most people when they hear the word art only think about painting. However, art is present in almost everything and that is because they are all different and the thoughts are not the same. So, as I said today makeup is a great way to express what you’re thinking or mean without the need to talk. An excellent example of makeup as a form of expression and social manifestation happens on March 8th. Because women go out to manifest about all the injustices that still exist and commemorate all women who can no longer do so. And a lot of those women do it through makeup.
The meaning of makeup for me is self-esteem. Probably for some people it sounds strange, because in certain part the objective of makeup is to look radiant, almost perfect. But that’s not true, that is just what society has made women believe. I understood this a few years ago in my self-esteem process. For much of my life I was in a constant fight with myself to love myself. I have always been overweight and society made me believe that because I’m overweight I’m not pretty. Makeup gave me confidence to accept that I’m beautiful with my chubby cheeks and my little small eyes. It helped me understand that it’s okay to be that way. Makeup made me want to show off my cheeks and highlight my eyes. That’s why I love makeup so much, because in doing so I’m loving myself indirectly.